Romantic Bouquets

Romantic Bouquets
Valentine's Day is Coming!


Hi there! Welcome to our blog. As you may know, we started this blog in an effort to help others with their gardening questions. Yes, it's Autumn here in New York, but as a grower and seller of bedding plants and vegetable transplants, we wanted to start off with one of the most frequently asked questions; "When is the best time to plant?" Here in the Northeast, we tend to get frost as late as the 2nd or 3rd week of May. If you must plant before then, we suggest cold tolerant plants, such as pansies and cobbity daisies. We start selling those types of plants as early as mid-April. Want to know a great farmer's tip?  Keep an eye on when you have fog in your area in the month of February. Why, that sounds strange, you may say! This really has worked for us...mark those foggy days down on your calendar. Typically the last day you have fog in February, say it's the 18th, will usually be the last chance of frost in May, (May 18th). Of course, you'll still want to pay attention to those local weather forecasts. If it dips below 40 degrees, you may want to cover those tender plants. That brings us to another question; "What should I cover my plants with?" You should cover your plants with some type of breathable material, like an old sheet or burlap. NEVER, ever use plastic or materials that don't breathe.


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